A bigger building for our body

A stronger connection with our community

A better future for generations to come

Our new building project

Unified City Church has a call to reveal the true heart of the Father, especially in our region. As we've grown over the years, we found a need to further our journey into a larger facility. We knew that we needed to remain close to our current home, and God allowed us to purchase a property in the heart of our community to expand our impact! Construction is taking place to create this amazing new building, and it is our vision that this facility will be as much of a blessing to our community as it is to our church body.

February 2021 Update

a large project requires a large amount of resources

please consider giving a one-time gift
to help jumpstart the completion of the building

suggested donations: 

if you can't give a large one-time gift
maybe you can give an extra percentage
above your normal tithe and offering

small amounts add up, so don't underestimate
even the smallest percentage

if you chose to do so, please remember
to give separately to the "new building"
instead of adding it to your general giving